You recognize your body’s needs for that ice cream or chocolate or that drug or behavior. But do you recognize what the body is really telling you?
What your body is saying to you may be a clue to your real happiness.
The alarms that the body is setting off with those cravings might be keys to understanding your lack of power to change, or your feelings of helplessness, and lack of confidence in regards to your deep cravings.
The deep cravings bubble up when you are stressed. If you never had stress the cravings would be very different. Even boredom is stress, because acting out a craving under boredom indicates that your mind is not comfortable with the stillness of the moment. CraveEaze technique,that lets your body teach you what it is really saying to you when you crave. If you are scared of what the messages might be, let it come to you gradually. It is amazing how so many have used the techniques and later in the week they suddenly have thoughts of awareness of what the body is really speaking. Also, they feel empowered to be true to themselves.
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