Friday, March 12, 2010

Energy TechniquesThat Support Your Body.

Cravings, Addictions means that you are using false power to keep going because it takes energy to hold onto the stress and to keep going.

How much energy does it take to have a craving, an addiction?

How much energy does it take to hold onto something from the past?

How much energy does it take to escape yourself or escape your fears?

More energy than you have. What?

That is correct it takes more energy than you have to keep the story going of cravings, obsessions, compulsions, clutter (emotional and physical), escaping. The reason why I know it takes more energy to keep this cycle going is because for all those events or habits you and most people have this deep desire and habit of one of the following: Eating too much, Sleeping too much, eating too much sugar, eating junk carbs, smoking, drinking alcohol, pornography, excess work, excess sex, excess church, excess exercise, prescription drugs, illicit drugs, excess internet, excess gaming, excess worry, excess blaming, excess frustration, excess pain. And for those that are restrictive of yourself then excess self-shame, self-blame, vomiting, herbal pills, self help books, etc.

All of those have the common denominator of excess. All those have similar use of too much adrenaline, tight muscles, sleep issues, closet feelings, lack of control, worry, issues with the neurotransmitters of dopamine and serotonin.

It takes less energy to keep the body healthy than to have the body be sick dealing with addictions. Hyper is not healthy energy, Fatigue is not either. Vitality and zest of life that comes from a balanced body and mind that is the energy that lasts and lasts.

With The CraveEaze and BodyEaze Techniques you help teach and train your body gradually and slowly. It will not scare your body if you are consistently and carefully coaching your own body through a series of energy techniques that support your body.

What would it be like to calmly touch your body and say an affirmation several times while taking deep breaths? Imagine it would feel wonderful.

Let’s change that to: your body will feel wonderful when you start to apply the techniques of the BodyEaze and CraveEaze techniques. Your body will start to relax that tight neck and tight shoulders. Your body will get more oxygen to your brain. Your body will start to sleep better. Your body will start to connect to God. Your body will start giving you a choice.

Your Brain and the Addictive Pathways

Cravings all start in your brain—in your brain’s chemistry, and also in your emotions..

Your body is designed to work perfectly. This perfect natural design includes brain cells called neurons that keep you alive, efficient, and balanced. This balance is called equilibrium, and that equilibrium comes from a special area of the brain,the hypothalamus.

Your hypothalamus makes sure your blood, digestion, hormones, and other endocrine functions are always perfectly balanced.

Also, your hypothalamus and its companion nuclei {do we mean neurons?] are affected by your emotions, including fear, sadness, anger, frustration, and stress.

It’s a delicate balance between emotions and chemicals in your hypothalamus, this area of the brain that keeps your daily life working perfectly anytime you experience a significant emotion, your brain will include the hypothalamus in its pathway of checking the past to compare that emotion to events stored in your memory.

Anytime you have a surge of chemicals foreign or in excess, the hypothalamus has to adjust and at the same moment, compare what happened in the past with what is going on the present in order to find the easiest path to restore your body’s balance.

Now, any time you take an addictive substance, the brain will store the memory of the effects of the substance along with emotions that went along with the experience. Over time, your emotions become so woven into the experience of the addictive substance that they become just as important as the substance—and maybe even more when it comes to how the brain stores your history of habits, and how the brain can learn to release bad habits. Because deep emotions are embedded in the experience of addiction, your body has a difficult time letting go of its dependence. Emotion plays a major role in the brain and its maintaining your equilibrium.

Let’s put this all together.

When you take a substance such as sugar, junk food, or a harmful drug, the hypothalamus has to deal with the chemical change in the brain and body. Your body experiences the chemical as an assault—and it resists! But if taking the substances gives you pleasure, your body ignores the pain in favor of that pleasure.

Unfortunately, most of us aren’t in the habit of listening to our bodies, so we often miss the initial stress of taking the chemical substance, and the mixed body sensations of pleasure and pain start to confuse us. It becomes more and more difficult to decide what’s good for us, and what’s hurting us.